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February Newsletter: Sowing Seeds of Renewal

Writer's picture: fayenenfayenen
Magical scene with glowing candles, glassware, and a small plant sprouting near a mystical portal. Background is starry and ethereal.

Dear Friend,


As we step into February, we stand on the threshold of transformation. With the arrival of the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake and the celebration of Imbolc today, we are invited to honour the spark of potential within us. This new season invites us to move with grace and intention, embracing the unfolding opportunities for growth and renewal.


This month’s energies feel deeply aligned with the Singer of Initiation, the faery oracle card that speaks to moments of significant transformation. This card reminds us that true growth often arises through the gateways of challenge, urging us to surrender to the process of change with trust, care, and clarity. Much like the seeds beneath the earth, we are called to embrace both the tension and the possibility of what is emerging, allowing ourselves to soften into the flow of transformation rather than resist it.


Imbolc: A Time for Renewal and Intention

Imbolc is a sacred threshold—the halfway point between winter and spring. It whispers of the first stirrings of life beneath the frost, of dreams waiting to bloom.


The earth stirs in quiet promise,

Whispering: Grow, transform, become.


To honor this energy, I invite you to try a simple Candlelight Ritual to connect with your intentions for growth.


What You’ll Need: A candle, a bowl of water, and something to represent a seed. 

The Ritual: Create a quiet, sacred space. Light your candle and reflect on the question: What seeds am I ready to plant in my life? Speak or write your intentions, bless them with the water, and carry this sense of renewal into the days ahead. Set aside a moment in your day to truly embody this practice—perhaps at sunrise or just before bed.


As you do, you might call upon Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, with this prayer:


Blessed Brigid, keeper of the hearth,

Ignite the flame of inspiration within me.

Guide me to tend the seeds of my soul,

With patience, trust, and love.


Practical Tools for Initiation

This month’s theme of initiation invites us to embrace the changes life is presenting and step into our next chapter with intention. Transformation often brings a natural push-and-pull—urging us forward while asking us to pause and gather our strength. By pacing ourselves and honoring moments of rest, we can move through this time with greater presence, clarity, and energy. Slowing down in a world that constantly urges us forward is a radical and necessary act of self-care.


1. The Principle of Pause

In my recent Parenting with Presence workshop, we explored the transformative power of pausing. Whether you’re responding to a child or navigating a life transition, the practice of pausing allows you to step out of old patterns and into clarity.


Try this: The next time you feel stretched or stressed, but not yet overwhelmed, take a deep breath, pause, and ask yourself: What is truly needed in this moment? 


Learning to recognize and act before overwhelm fully sets in is a skill that strengthens with practice.


2. A Gateway Visualization

Visualize yourself standing before a symbolic gate. Notice its details and energy. When you feel ready, step through it, imagining yourself embodying the qualities you need to navigate this new phase—courage, trust, or lightness. As you cross the threshold, sense yourself fully stepping into the next phase of your life with steadiness and intention.


3. Journaling for Clarity

Set aside time this week to journal on these prompts:

  • What challenge or opportunity is inviting me to grow right now?

  • What inner resources can I draw upon to meet this moment?

  • What one step can I take to move forward with trust?

Rather than rushing to find the answers, allow yourself to sit with these questions and notice what unfolds in the days that follow.


Closing Thoughts

As the light grows stronger each day, may you find inspiration in the turning of the seasons. May you tend the seeds of your intentions with care, and may this month bring clarity, growth, and renewal.


As the light returns, what within you is ready to awaken?


If you feel called to deepen into these themes, I invite you to join me in upcoming workshops and circles designed to support you in this season of stillness and renewal.

With warmth, love, and blessings,



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