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Presence is our capacity to be whole in the moment, in alignment with our deepest wisdom and health is a dynamic state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. As we nurture our capacity to be present and embody a state of health we are then able to express the full range of our unique potentialities.


Using a combination of coaching, somatic pre- and perinatal therapy, bodywork, energy and healing principles and skills, I support you to live with increasing presence and bring health to your whole system in order for you to live your most purposeful and joyful life!



Your Life of Presence & Health is always within reach! Why not embrace it?

Meet Fayenen

Certified Coach, Therapist & Master Healer

Hello and Welcome!


I'm a certified professional coach, therapist and master healer. I'm a dragon friend, crystal lover and alchemy enthusiast. I enjoy frolicking in the waves, delight in playing crystal bowls, and love talking to babies in the womb.


As I walk through life my driving intention is to be a catalyst for love, health and connection. I seek presence in the face of drama, acceptance in life's challenges and freedom from prisons of my own making.


I believe health and loving presence is available to each of us, in every moment. We just need to choose and commit to it!


What I Specialize In

Healthy Family Systems

Intrinsic Health

Transformative Communication

Conscious Parenting

Stepping out of Drama to Loving Presence

Yoga at Home

If You're Alive, There Is A Purpose To Your Life. Why Not Live It!?

"Fayenen possesses an uncommon combination of being both highly intuitive and down to earth and practical. She helped me approach my life with greater overall health, vitality and empowerment. If you are looking to walk a path towards your own personal wholeness and well-being, be it on a physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual platform, I highly recommend working with  Fayenen."

- Vrinda Aguilera

"Fayenen, I came to you for career advice and found much more than I could have imagined. Thank you. You have been the catalyst for my peace and contentment and I am truly grateful. Prior to our sessions I had no idea that life did not have to be such a painful struggle and thought manifestations such that I have seen with work were random."

- Eleanor Duncan-Rouse

"Fayenen has a gift in enabling one to find their own identity, authority and path without becoming embroiled, attached to outcomes or necessarily ‘being right’. Also, I give her the three big C’s – compassion, commitment and courage – I met all of these in my coaching sessions – and sometimes the shocking insights that laughter provides as well.”

- Siam

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