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Living Presence Services

Presence is our capacity to be whole in the moment, in alignment with our deepest wisdom and health is a dynamic state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. As we nurture our capacity to be present and embody a state of health we are then able to express the full range of our unique potentialities.


Using a combination of coaching, somatic pre- and perinatal therapy, bodywork, energy and healing principles and skills I support you to live with increasing presence and to bring health to your whole system in order for you to live your most purposeful and joyful life!


“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Family Constellation Workshop

Making the ‘Unseen, Seen’


Did you know that the issues that you struggle with in your life could be coming from inherited family patterns and experiences that belong to your ancestors, not you; and that you might be ‘entangled’ with hidden blocks from their lives that have been passed down and effect what is possible for you?


Family Constellation Work enables us to uncover these ‘unseen’ influence and understand how they keep us stuck. Then, with new awareness, we can release these entanglements and allow more self-expression, fulfillment, love and freedom to flow into our lives. This extraordinary modality can also be used to explore and release any issue in our lives.


Examples of the explorations that are possible include: relationship issues; family dynamics and struggles; parenting challenges; concerns about our children’s behaviors both in school and with friends; adoption issues; living situation challenges, career and money challenges; health concerns; anxiety, fear, depression; creativity blocks; traumatic imprints; loss and grief; and more.


Family Constellations can be done both in a group format and one-on-one. In the groups, participants help each other gain insights into each other’s experiences by connecting with the ‘morphic’ field that surrounds all of us. Information is expressed through the field as representatives make visible and illuminate information and essential patterns that belong to the issue being explored.

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Parenting Online Course

Starting April 2nd 2024

An online journey of self-realisation for parents and guardians

Learn how to apply the principles and practices of Transformative Communication and Somatic Health to your parenting journey.


Parenting is a unique journey that requires patience, love, and understanding. It's a holistic approach that encompasses not only the physical well-being but also the spiritual, emotional, and mental development of children. As children grow and face new challenges, parents too must adapt and learn. But there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. With a foundation of spiritually- based principles, we can create a nurturing environment for children to thrive. Join Annette and Fayenen as they explore how parenting can be an enlightening journey of self-discovery while nurturing happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.




12 group sessions of 1.5 hours, in 3 parts, with home practices and buddy support in between



Tuesdays from 5:30-7pm UK time

Part 1: April 2, 9, 16, 23

Part 2: June 4, 11, 18, July 2

Part 3: Sept 3, 10, 17, 24



£99 per part, or £269 for all 3



March 24th

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Personal Sessions

A belief I have is that you have all the answers for your right life somewhere inside you. The foremost way I can serve you is through listening without judgement, with presence and an open heart. Empathic listening means going beyond the spoken words to hear what is yet unsaid; inviting the spoken and unspoken needs, desires, thoughts and emotions to arise and to be understood. This creates a connection built on trust and facilitates a space of self-realisation, healing and path-finding. From that place, a variety of tools can be used to support you achieve your goals.


I would be privileged to support you in living a life of intrinsic health and purpose. Let me take a stand for you as you live life as a natural expression of your inner brilliance. Say YES to yourself, to your loved ones and to all those you touch. You do not need to walk this path alone.

Stones of Meaning
Young Family

Couple & Family Sessions

Pre- and Perinatal psychotherapy posits that the unborn child is a conscious, sentient and aware being, and that learning and remembering takes place in the womb. Early trauma, emotional or physical, can occur anytime during conception, gestation, birth, the events following birth and the bonding and attachment phases. It can leave restrictive imprints in the nervous system and affect future behaviours, emotions, belief systems, psychological orientations and physical health and well-being.


Pre and Perinatal therapy supports the development of successful strategies and interventions to help babies, children and families heal and release negative and/or restrictive imprints from those early periods.


I will use a variety of energetic, somatic and therapeutic approaches to support you in resolving prenatal, birth and other early trauma while facilitating the development of compassionate relationships, the healthy growth of children and effective parenting and family systems. I work with individuals, families, and couples preparing to conceive.

This journey with Fayenen and the group came at such a perfect time for me when I was ripe and ready to make a profound shift.  I couldn't have predicted what I got out of the experience because I was supported to get outside of my box, and approach things I've been going in circles about for years in a fresh, new way.  I have so much trust in Fayenen’s ability to be playful and warm while also holding powerful space for just the right challenge or perspective that nudges me out of my comfort zone into spaciousness!  I am full of gratitude that I jumped on the opportunity to work with her and the group.”

~ Sarah Thompson

Fayenen's coaching supervisions groups are hard to describe, because they really supported me on all levels.  I arrived into the sessions having practical questions about the next steps in my coaching practice, desire for accountability and support on some development commitments, and a knowing that I needed support to ensure I stepped towards thriving and away from burnout.  Miraculously all of my questions got aired with answers discovered! I'm still not sure how we achieved that over our 3-month journey, however I'm deeply grateful to Fayenen for bringing her wisdom, experience and coaching presence to enable it to unfold. Fayenen brought a powerful intention setting structure to make sure we focused on what mattered to us, as well as supporting us to connect into our own flow and resourcefulness.  I'm sure my fellow coaching group members would agree that magic happened, and each session left us nurtured and inspired, ready to step up in what mattered to each of us.

~ Clare Russell: 

Women's leadership coach

I am profoundly grateful to have taken part in this intention based group coaching series. The small group format created an intimate and sacred vessel that provided a safe space where I could personally move forward with momentum - both for myself as an individual and as a group. There is a special magic that happens when individuals come together with clear purpose and open hearted reciprocity and Fayenen is a warm, genuine and expert facilitator. She lends her wealth of experience and mastery of personal growth, coaching and healing modalities and principles for the benefit of the collective participants.

~ Vrinda Aguilera

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